OnBase Solutions

Auto Repair Insurance Claim Process

The Auto Repair Insurance Claim Process solution streamlines and automates the workflow for auto body insurance claims, offering benefits such as improved communication, accurate documentation, efficient parts management, enhanced repair process management, convenient customer pickups, improved financial management, and increased transparency and compliance. By eliminating manual paperwork, facilitating real-time communication, and optimizing processes, this solution enhances efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall operational effectiveness for both repair shops and insurance companies involved in the claims process.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing

ERP systems are well designed to handle traditional transactions, but what about when exceptions occur? The key to finding a viable solution is identifying one that will augment – not replace – the workflow of your current ERP system. OnBase for invoice processing expedites the entire process, enabling you to see the process end-to-end, identify bottleneck and gain valuable insight into staff workloads. Whether in the office, or out of the office with OnBase Mobile your AP department can extend invoice approval beyond the desk and out to smart phones and tablets – “Sorry, I was out of the office” is no longer a cause for delay.

The OnBase solution for Accounts Payable processing automates and streamlines the entire invoice cycle, starting with scanning or importing documents and using OCR tools to extract key information. The system then routes invoices for approval based on predefined rules, ensuring efficient decision-making. Once approved, the invoices are reviewed by accounting and uploaded into the organization’s GL software or ERP system. Payments are issued, and OnBase captures the payment records for auditing purposes. The solution marks invoices as paid, making them easily retrievable within OnBase, providing a comprehensive and efficient workflow for managing vendor invoices from start to finish.

Invoice to BOL (Bill of Lading) Reconciliation

The Invoice to BOL Reconciliation solution for OnBase automates the process of matching BOLs with AP invoices. BOLs are scanned or imported into OnBase, and later AP invoices are entered. OnBase checks for BOLs in the invoices, calculates pricing using a price matrix, and verifies if the pricing matches the invoice amounts. If the match is successful, OnBase applies GL codes to the invoices and queues them for approval/payment. This solution eliminates repetitive work, allowing users to focus on exceptions, which are managed through OnBase queues. Overall, it streamlines the reconciliation process, improves efficiency, and ensures accurate invoice processing.

PO Processing

How many people in your organization touch the procurement process? Does it cost more to process the request to purchase something than the actual cost of the item being procured? All the paperwork surrounding the procurement process reduces your team’s effectiveness and costs your organization money. Savvy’s solution for procurement processing routes electronic PO requests automatically through review, evaluation and fulfillment. If there are bottlenecks, you’ll know and be able to quickly address them. All documents related to a procurement project are connected together and retrieved with a single mouse-click, keeping all the necessary information available and accessible to you and your team.

The PO Processing solution for OnBase automates the end-to-end workflow of purchase order processing. It involves creating new POs in OnBase with vendor and GL information, assigning a unique PO number to be shared with the supplier. Upon invoice receipt, the document is scanned into OnBase, and the system uses OCR technology to extract the PO number, which is then used to populate relevant information such as vendor, GL details, and approver information. The invoice goes through an automated approval workflow before being forwarded to accounting to complete the Accounts Payable process. This solution streamlines the PO process, eliminates manual data entry, improves accuracy, and enhances overall efficiency.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Integration

An OnBase ERP integration will give your employees access to the critical information they need to process invoices and manage accounts payable properly. Hyland’s AP Automation solution, OnBase, automatically syncs your documents and data across your enterprise resource planning software

Most organizations require multiple software platforms to get the job done. The ability for those systems to work effortlessly together is essential to building an efficient, dependable process. Lack of ERP and accounting system integration adds time to AP cycles, leads to duplicate data entry and increases the risk of errors. The content services platform, OnBase, easily integrates with the systems your organization has already invested in and seamlessly connects them together – bringing invoices and supporting documents a single-click away.