Claims Management Automation
Our Insurance Claims Automation solution is designed to streamline and automate the process of handling insurance claims for Automotive Shops. This solution simplifies the process from the initial intake of a damaged vehicle to the final settlement with the insurance company. Here is a breakdown of the workflow process:
Collect Required Documentation: Gather essential documents such as the repair estimate, vehicle registration, and Direction to Pay (DTP) form.

Take Initial Pictures: Capture photographs of the damaged vehicle to document its condition before repairs.

Send the Direction to Pay form to the insurance adjuster electronically, facilitating seamless communication and authorization for repairs.

Teardown and Documentation
Document and Take Pictures of the teardown process, documenting any additional damage discovered during the inspection. Take photographs for reference.

Parts Management and Supplements
Manage Ordering Parts: Coordinate with suppliers to order necessary replacement parts for the repair process. Scan Parts invoices to the job file.
Create Supplements: If additional damage or repairs are identified during the teardown, create supplemental estimates and communicate them to the insurance adjuster for approval. Add documents to job file.

Repair Process Management
Oversee the repair process: Coordinate with technicians and monitor the progress of the repairs to ensure they are performed efficiently and to avoid bottlenecks.

Final Assembly Preparation
Prepare the Car for Final Assembly: Ensure that all repairs have been completed and the vehicle is ready for final assembly, including any necessary painting and refinishing.

Customer Pickup and Settlement
Manage Customer Pickup: Coordinate with the customer to schedule a convenient time for vehicle pickup.
Collect Payment and Signatures: Collect payment from the insurance company or the customer, as applicable. Obtain necessary signatures to confirm completion of repairs.

Final Supplement and Settlement
Receive Final Supplement: If any additional repairs or expenses arise during the final assembly or customer pickup, create a final supplement and communicate it to the insurance adjuster for reimbursement.
Collect Payment from Insurance: Finalize the settlement process by receiving payment from the insurance company for the completed repairs.

The Auto Body Insurance Claim Process solution ensures a seamless workflow, providing efficient document storage and easy retrieval for quick reference throughout the entire process.